Young Professionals Network Survey 2020
Results and analysis
We have analyzed the results from the Young Professionals Network Survey 2020. Based on the responses of 13 participants from Europe, South- and North America, and Africa, we would like to present the general feedback. The purpose of the survey was to map your thoughts and expectations regarding the Young Professionals Network.
Background of the members
Since 2017, the Young Professionals Community has developed into more than 50 scientists and technical professionals from 27 different countries. The power of the Young Professionals Network is that it holds members with varying expertise within all four verification technologies. In the survey, the majority of the participants listed seismology as their main area of interest, followed by infrasound, technology and engineering, radionuclide, and hydroacoustic. Three aspects of the Young Professionals Network are considered particularly important: networking with other experts, becoming a better technical expert or specialist in monitoring and verification technologies, and receiving inspiration for the day-job at the National Data Centre.

Online events and activities
In the last 6 months, YPN has increased online activity by inviting senior experts to hold Science & Tech Talks about various topics. 85% of the participants has joined one or more Science & Tech Talks, while the remaining explained that they did not have enough time to join. Most of the participants are very satisfied with the Science & Tech Talks. When asking how the talks could be improved, the participant suggested that they could last longer and leave more time to answer questions and discussing experiences. Some also suggested recording and uploading the talks afterward.
In the future, the participants would like to see more Science & Tech Talks and workshops, for instance about NDCs. There is also great interest in science panels with invited speakers and more general networking events to get to know other members. In fact, everyone who answered the survey would like to join a social networking event to establish stronger connections with other members.
We also asked what kind of topics you would like to learn more about. The participants of the survey would like to explore technological advances within the IMS, how events get analyzed at the NDC, how to calculate the yield, and how to work with different atmospheric models. Radioisotopes ratio analysis and air sampling, and technology within infrasound, radionuclide, and hydroacoustic, were also listed as interesting topics.
About 50% of the participants would like to take on a more active role, such as being one of the main presenters during an online event.

The YPN web portal
The YPN web portal offers a unique chance to connect with members, exchange ideas, develop joint projects, and share thoughts with the community. 54% of the participants have created a user account on the web portal, while 23% said they were planning to do it. The participants who have not created a user account explained that they do not understand how to do it or that it takes too much time.
Most of the survey participants visit the web portal when it is advertised on Facebook or via E-mail, but some also visit the portal several times per month. According to the participants, more articles, discussions in different groups, and increased user interaction would make them use the web portal more often.
Thank you for your feedback
We would like to thank you for participating in the Young Professionals Network and sharing your thoughts through this survey. Based on your feedback, we will develop an “Outreach and Communication Plan” for 2021. We look forward to planning more social meetings centered around your topic suggestions and areas of interest.