Introducing the YPN Exchange Program (pilot phase)
Develop both scientifically and professionally with the YPN Exchange Program
We are happy to announce the launch of the YPN Exchange Program! During the pilot phase, three NDCs – NORSAR, ZAMG, and KNMI – will be welcoming exchange requests from members of the CTBT Young Professionals Network (YPN). Simultaneously, the YPN and participating NDCs encourage other NDCs to join the YPN Exchange Program.
Would you like to get linked in with the world’s leading experts in your area of work and research?
By participating in the YPN Exchange Program, you will gain valuable learning, inspiration, and guidance from one of our excellent YPN mentors. They are senior experts within different IMS technologies and can help you get on a faster track for becoming a specialist in various monitoring and verification technologies, as well as giving you advice on running an NDC. The scientific exchange allows you to bring back the latest scientific developments and help your NDC stay on top of its game.
A stay in Norway, Austria or the Netherlands will give you international work experience and expand your employment opportunities and network. If you would like to experience a completely new culture and way of life – both inside and outside the office – the YPN exchange program is ideal for you.
Three scientific exchanges at different locations
NORSAR offers a scientific exchange for a minimum of four to six weeks from Autumn 2022. The exchange is suitable for young professionals who want to get acquainted with procedures at a different NDC and gain valuable knowledge within several areas, such as array data and processing, machine learning, NDC operation (including field visit), and science and diplomacy.
For those interested in a shorter exchange, ZAMG welcomes shorter visits for young professionals in connection with CTBTO events. The visit can be tailored to the wishes of the young professional, and the mentors can for example offer guidance on NPE (NDC Preparedness Exercise, verification matters, and how to run an NDC.
The R&D Department of Seismology and Acoustics (RDSA) at KNMI in De Bilt, The Netherlands, welcomes YPN exchange requests from mid-2022. The goal of the exchange is scientific use of IMS data to support treaty verification, and the activities include processing of data, interpretation, synthesis of results and possibly writing a report/scientific article.
For more information about each exchange, please visit:

How to apply for a scientific exchange
Terms and conditions for taking part
- You can apply to the YPN Exchange Program if you are…
- A member of the CTBT Young Professionals Network
- Have a relevant scientific background and scope of work for the selected exchange
Please be aware that some of the exchanges might have additional criteria.
- During your stay, you are encouraged to write 2-3 blog posts about your experience for the YPN web portal.
Application and selection
In addition to the criteria above, candidates will be selected based on a personal application letter. Your application letter should be ½ to 1 page long and the template can be found in the group "YPN Exchange Program". Please send your CV and application letter to [email protected].
In the case of many candidates, diversity according to gender and geography will be emphasized.
The application letter should include:
- Personal information. Who are you and what do you do?
- Exchange. Where and what are you applying for? Please include preferred time and duration of the stay.
- Motivation. Why are you applying?
- Ambitions. What are your plans for the future?
COVID-19 and international travel
Although restrictions are being lifted in many countries, COVID-19 may continue to affect international travel and entry rules. Please familiarize yourself with the current entry regulations and what rules apply for you.
Health insurance
Please be aware that you might need to provide proof of health coverage when staying in a foreign country. The rules may vary depending on your nationality, host country, and duration of your stay.
Applications may be submitted at any time to [email protected]
We look forward to receiving your CV and application! Please do not hesitate if you have any questions regarding one of the scientific exchanges or the application process.
Would your NDC like to join the YPN Exchange Program?
The Young Professionals Network and the participating NDCs encourage other NDCs to join the YPN Exchange Program.
It is an excellent opportunity for an international interchange, and the ‘sending’ NDC is always welcome to host a young professional from the ‘hosting’ NDC.
Please contact ypn@norsar for more information on how your NDC can join the YPN Exchange Program.