COVID-19 Outbreak

YPN Administrator
YPN Administrator • 17 March 2020
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COVID-19 Outbreak


In light of the developing coronavirus outbreak, the Young Professionals Network will follow the advice of relevant national public health authorities and global health organizations. This means that upcoming YPN events will be cancelled and postponed until further information is given. Since the situation is unclear and constantly changing, it is hard to tell how long this will last.


The workshop in Toledo and the “YPN Get-together” will not take place in April, but we are continuing to work on the NPE exercise hoping that we that we can present our results on a different occasion.


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As for the YPN Meeting during EGU 2020, we are still awaiting a final decision regarding the status of the General Assembly 2020 by 31 March. However, Austria has currently banned all gatherings of more than five people.


This is the time to come together as a community. Take precautions, wash your hands and be kind to each other. We hope that you will continue using the web portal to communicate with each other and keep up the scientific cooperation.