YPN Stories from around the world – meet Dr. Maria-Theresia Apoloner

YPN Administrator
YPN Administrator • 18 February 2020
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YPN Stories from around the world

An interview with Dr. Maria-Theresia Apoloner


With members from all over Europe, Asia, Africa, and North- and South America, The Young Professionals Network (YPN) is turning truly global. In “YPN Stories from around the world”, we proudly present the next generation of experts and leaders who will help bring the work of the CTBTO forward. First out is Dr. Maria-Theresia Apoloner from Austria, who has been a part of the YPN since the startup days in 2017. We spoke with her to know more about her work at the Austrian NDC and her thoughts about the YPN.


Home to numerous United Nations offices and various international institutions, Vienna is a vibrant and influential city. Maria-Theresia was born in Vienna and now works in the city at the Seismological Service of Austria (ZAMG). “Originally I studied geodesy and geomatic engineering and specialized in my master thesis in regional seismology. Right afterwards I was hired to do a PhD, which also focused on seismology,” Maria-Theresia said. “However,” she added, “I did not only learn how to research, but also how to set up seismic stations.”


Maria-Theresia Apoloner is a YPN member from Austria.


According to Maria-Theresia, the most typical thing about her current job is that there is no typical day. She has many different responsibilities; spanning from earthquake analysis, coordinating projects e.g. on geothermal monitoring, setting up seismic stations, to NDC and CTBT-related tasks. Formerly, she worked at the provisional technical secretariat (PTS) as a seismic analyst. 

Since Maria-Theresia was nominated to the Young Professionals Network in 2017, the community has developed into more than 50 scientists and technical professionals from 27 different countries.

“I joined the network because I think it’s a great way to connect with other young professionals working on similar topics or related topics. Also, it is a great setting for learning more about different NDCs and asking questions about everything related to CTBT,” Maria-Theresia explained.


No day at work is typical for Maria-Theresia at the Seismological Service of Austria (ZAMG).


The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty has been a centerpiece of the global non-proliferation regime form more than 20 years. Envisioning the future, Maria-Theresia reflects on her contribution to the verification of the CTBT as a scientist. “Right now, I just try to improve my knowledge about everything related to the CTBT, like the different waveform technologies, so that in the future I can participate actively e.g. in the Waveform Expert Group.”

Finally, she added, “The joined participation to the NPE as YPN was a great step towards that.”