Scientific exchange at NORSAR (Kjeller, Norway)
Scientific exchange at NORSAR
Kjeller, Norway
Scientific exchange at NORSAR (Kjeller, Norway)
NORSAR is a part of the YPN Exchange Program and is prepared to host young professionals for a scientific exchange from Autumn 2022. The exchange is suitable for young professionals who want to get acquainted with procedures at a different NDC and gain valuable knowledge within several areas, such as array data and processing, machine learning, NDC operation (including field visit), and science and diplomacy.
NORSAR is an internationally recognized independent research foundation that specializes in seismology, seismic monitoring, and applied geophysics. Over the past 50 years, NORSAR’s research has contributed to innovative methods in automatic data processing and analysis of seismic data. The foundation carries out research and consulting projects worldwide, and NORSAR also develops software solutions for both research and industry.
NORSAR’s expertise is used to solve a wide range of tasks. NORSAR's most important role is to be the Norwegian National Data Centre for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). It operates Norway’s field installations for the CTBT International Monitoring System and advises Norwegian authorities on matters related to compliance with the treaty.
You can read more about NORSAR here:
The department that will host the young professional(s) is called “Test Ban Monitoring”.
What can NORSAR offer?
NORSAR offers a scientific exchange that is rich in content, and the young professionals will take on the role as an intern with a set of tasks during the stay. In collaboration with other colleagues, Tormod Kværna and Andreas Köhler will create a minimum four-week program that will introduce the young professionals to different topics. The topics include array data and processing, machine learning, NDC operation (including field visit), and science and diplomacy.
NORSAR can offer a variety of tasks and activities, customized to the background, and wishes of the young professional. Simultaneously, the young professional may offer an exchange of experiences regarding use of e.g., NDC-in-a-box.
The young professional will get acquainted with procedures at a different NDC (NORSAR) and gain valuable knowledge within several areas – learnings which they can bring back to their own NDC.

Time and duration
NORSAR would like to accept two young professionals, preferrable arriving at the same time, for a minimum of four to six weeks, starting from Autumn 2022.
Terms and conditions for the young professional
- Scientific or technical background:
- Bachelor’s degree or engineer
- General IT competencies and software skills
- Preferably familiar with Python and NDC-in-a-box
- Scope of work: affiliation with an NDC or the PTS
- Language: German, English or Norwegian
- Personal skills: Motivated and eager to learn, ability to work self-sufficiently
Before the exchange, the mentors would like to get to know the young professional(s) over a video interview.
Dr. Tormod Kværna
Dr. Tormod Kværna is an experienced seismologist working at NORSAR. His expertise lies in seismology with emphasis on applications related to nuclear explosion monitoring. He is also conducting research in other areas of seismology, like processing of regional seismic data and in-depth event analysis. Regarding infrasound, his main interest is event detection and analysis.
Dr. Tormod Kværna would like to mentor on seismology and infrasound in the context of nuclear explosion monitoring, as well as event analysis and interpretation of IDC SHI waveform products. Working languages are English and Norwegian.
Dr. Andreas Köhler
Andreas Köhler is a seismologist at NORSAR and Adjunct Assoc. Professor at UiT, The Artic University of Norway, with main research interest in environmental and array seismology, as well as the adaption of machine learning to facilitate data analysis in these contexts. Working languages are English, German, or Norwegian.
Living and funding

- NORSAR offers free accommodation. The young professionals can stay in a spacious flat in the centre of Lillestrøm (15 minutes to the office by bike). Lillestrøm is located in Nedre Romerike, between Oslo and Oslo Airport Gardemoen. The area is surrounded by forest and water making up great recreational areas, whether you want to go hiking or experience boating on Øyeren.
- Lunch is covered by NORSAR. The canteen offers a varied lunch buffet. The work environment is very international with employees from Norway, Germany, France, Italy, and Mexico, to mention some.
- The young professionals will get their own desk and PC to use during the stay.
- The anticipated daily living expenses are 80 EUR.
- It is preferred that the “sending NDC” covers other costs. This can be discussed, however.
- The young professionals should come with their own health and travel insurance.
Applications may be submitted at any time to [email protected].